Society talks a lot about mid-life crises in men, but what about women? When women hit middle age they're not necessarily looking to buy a new red sports car. Instead, they are generally feeling lost, bored, and restless. Women often have thoughts of, "Is this it? Is this what the rest of my life is going to look like?" I was recently talking to a friend about this subject and she shared that she actually fantasizes about running away to a monastery so she can finally get some quiet.
By middle age everything becomes very routine and with women tending to prioritize the needs of others above themselves, they tend to feel burned out. Women are so busy making sure their boss is happy, their husband is happy, and the kids still have all their fingers and toes, that there is little time for themselves. When I ask women, "What do you do for self-care?" I often get a blank stare. Many women feel like they are being selfish if they prioritize their own needs. The fact is, we only get one body and if you are not taking care of your physical and emotional well-being, you're not being the best version of you and in return you may be feeling anxious, depressed, or both. Self-care does not have to be time consuming. It can be as simple as going to yoga, going to bed early, reading a book, or taking a warm bath. It is important to check in with yourself every day and simply ask, "What do I need today?"
Often life can feel mundane at this point, so I encourage women to try something new that they always wanted to and never made time for before. Maybe it's taking that salsa dancing class, or training for a marathon, or travelling somewhere new. Maybe it's something that you always dreamed about doing but self-doubt got in the way, like starting your own business. Whatever, it may be it is important to rediscover some passion for life. You will be a happier and healthier woman, wife, mother, and friend once you start putting the same kind of care that you put into others into yourself.